Wednesday, October 28, 2009

" Climatic Plateau "...

Couple clinics, one-on-one consultations...??? So much is brewing in the kitchen right now!
I've been busy working out some preps for two fashion shows, beauty & empowerment workshops, a wedding reception and a musical play all set for next year...

"2010" - is truly looking like a fountain of wealth and liberation. I say this, not in a monetary way but from a vivid perspective.

It's been a week of network, email and phone call follow-ups, oh and site bookings! Now, if you are in the event planning field you know the importance of juggling and fighting through "peak seasons" in order to get the venue that you want ---> "hint hint" Always book AHEAD!! (I will stretch on this matter at a later time)

What I wanted to share with you today was... The importance I find in positioning yourself in a line of expertise that "YOU" L.O.V.E! The more and more I embrace my entrepreneurial ventures, the more I realize how much time is required to DEDICATE, PERFECT and MASTER my craft! Often time’s people tell me to lay low and relax and I say this... “but I love what I do”!

Nothing keeps me on my feet and as PASSIONATE as business does!Being able and blessed to open up this bridge has opened-up my mind to sooo many wonderful things as I do believe that this journey is a crucial character builder.

It's so easy to let that fire die inside of you at times because you feel like you've ran out of ideas... Life is too lovely, and there's is just too much to it, so why give up? Unplug the life support, find that strength within, discover your "purpose" and set yourself to “HIT” and “GO"; don’t run just pace yourself and hold yourself accountable for what you do...

Can’t tell you how to live, but can only share this “climatic” perspective…
"Create, Create, Create"

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