Tuesday, October 26, 2010
Fashion [Unfold]: How is wellness and image defined in Fashion?
Every Tuesday, a fashion topic is selected, and the discussion gates are open to everyone, to weight in their two cents via Twitter and comments.
Allow me to give you a little taste and enchant you with this week's file! Don't be still, let's get to work! Once you've read this week's topic, feel free to join us on Twitter to share your thoughts and opinions, adding the tag #fashionunfold at the end of your tweets. If you're not on Twitter, you can share your opinion by leaving a comment right here on this post.
I am eager to hear your take! Lead the way and share what you have to say...
Follow us: @WithinEssence @MissSLY @fusionofeffects @FashionCrazy_
Topic: How is wellness and image defined in Fashion?
Wellness is a word that encompasses different attributes of health and over the years, health has been an all around prominent subject matter that the great majority tends to bring forward in the fashion industry. We're constantly faced in within our reads about advertisement concerns and meticulous industry standards, such as models and their weight, not to mention their overall appearance etc. This goes without saying, since in "today's society" image is everything, especially in such trade, image has become a dominating selling factor but many wonder how this form of projection "speaks" to the mass.
What looks good as an industry standard doesn't always seem to be positioned as a feel good mentality if what is projected looks unhealthy and if there seems to be an ongoing duality between the need to leave room for the zero sized model vs. the plus sized model on runways.
It is often said, that models need to be an look a certain way but wouldn't that be considered a stereotype that the media portrays? Are people missing the point that models need to be healthy and look the part? Do today's designers feel the need to incorporate "any" sense of empowerment within their collections? Meaning, do these related issues even come across as a concern when selecting models? If so, how does it correlate with an overall sense of wellness?
My two cents...
It doesn't matter whether you're skinny, average or plus sized. Health should be the number one concern because only such a factor can promote an entice and individual's appearance and attract ones attention. Sure you can be skinny and some may say you need the extra curves, but having the extra curves doesn't necessarily mean nor validate you as being healthy looking. So who's really empowered? And how do we position ourselves...
Be sure to check out Marcus Kan's (@fusionofeffects) webpage for the final updates of today's discussion :)
Thursday, August 5, 2010
Time for the “renew”…
I tweet more than I blog and “facebook” these days… However, it’s not part of my manners to deceive and for that I apologize for my absence. This being said, I refuse to make excuses for my lack of postings as it comes with the territory [I’m a busy woman, I can’t help it when life calls me on a mission] :)
Within Essence Productions is far from being lost in translation! The wheels are just turning and it’s such a blessing to see the growth of each seed everyday! It makes the process of this journey worthwhile, easier to expand and build up. To those of you who have just joined "the convo", I welcome you with open arms and hope to connect with you on a deeper end. This is my “PERCEPTION” segment as I call it [I just hate the word blog - If you've visited my webpage you understand what I mean by this]
As the founder and creative director of my company, I’ve been going through an amazing process of change and re-branding. I strongly believe that sometimes we all have to detach and start anew… After all, there’s no need to rush and complete something if you can’t cover the basics properly! Innovation and creativity are always key in business and I take it very seriously when it comes to mine. Every step is a "tabula rasa", a blank page awaiting for a new chapter to be encrypted.
A lot has happened in the past months, [I’m hoping I can wrap my head around and feel you in gradually] wonderful and major wins but none of them would be possible without minor losses yeah? Just know that within each circumstance I remain victorious and willing, because I’ve branded my life as a passion of mine to conquer…
“Whew”… It’s truly amazing to live and see what a few months can do. I take no instance for granted and I’m simply pushing forward.
I will leave it like that for now and let my focus continue to bring you the best of me! Can’t wait to share what’s been stirring in the bowls :)
Till then, keep reaching and aiming as I continue to share my value by bringing the luxuries of your heart to life with a touch of sense and with a touch of fashion :)
Be blessed, Be empowered
Grace Mayele
Tuesday, March 9, 2010
Within Essence Productions & Gwen Madiba Combining the dots
If you've read my earlier posts you know about my partnership with Gwen Madiba and know that she has given me the green light as far as the details and managerial aspects of her production are concerned! She's truly a phenomenal woman I enjoy working with!! Being trusted to direct an amazing show of such caliber and purpose is truly humbling. For those who may not know, Gwen and I have known each other for almost a decade and all I can say is that she and I truly know how "to pick" each other’s brain and create magic... I love strong, humble, ambitious women and I believe that's exactly why she and I flow together naturally!!!
Although fashion productions can be rather overwhelming and tiring due to the load of work, I wouldn't trade any of this time spent and invested behind the scenes for anything!!! Not only do I embrace and welcome everyday challenges but I love what I do and enjoy every bit of it...
I am learning so much plus I make it my duty to cultivate and nurture my abilities further!
Seeing the success the show held last year and the level of empowerment it brought upon the local rising talents involved simply reinforced the will to bring this activity forth annually.
See the event details below...
For those who've waited, it's well deserved! Fine wine truly does get better with time... Last year she asked you to "Rip the Fab lane & Rock the dance floor" but this year she's welcoming a romantic breed of new edge and asking you to slay the keys and "Rock" with her...
Giving you a taste of fashion like no other, and taking you on a journey called "explicit fabulousity" with delectable pieces that are set to break you off and keep your mind captivated... Ottawa's own Gwen Madiba, brings you "I AM FASHION: RIP THE FAB LANE" 2010!! The new Spring Collection "Just Gwen" re-defined!! A second annual that is not to be missed!!
The event will feature: Ottawa fashion-savvy designers, special live entertainment not to mention a special guest of honour! The proceeds of the event will be going to the effort relief funds for a project to support women in Haiti and the Micone orphanage in Libreville (Gabon).
THE FAB LANE IS RATED "GS".... Be Empowered, Be Fierce, Be Fabulous :)
Seeing the Light, Not blinded by the Action...

Gave birth to this baby and now I'm simply taking care of it!! Nourishing her, planting the proper seeds so she can grow and become a powerful force for nations. With such a vision in mind, you know that requires time and space right? Especially at the early stages :)
Nevertheless, exciting things have been in the works and it's truly humbling for me to say that "cloud 9" is understated since the cloud I’m leaning onto is what I call “the infinite”...
I keep on seeing the light and account myself for each and everyone of my actions....
Wednesday, February 17, 2010
"Pearls & Silk" When 2 Becomes ... Timeless!

As you may or may not have known, yesterday February 16th was a special day, as I celebrated another year of timelessness! For such mercy and honor I could only humble myself and be thankful that God has preserved the twenty sum years of my life and has allowed me to stand strong...
Thank you Lord!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Getting Soulful: WEP's Founder in the mix ....

Last weekend, I had the great pleasure to sit down with XPhotography, a rising couple of photographers in the city for a bit of promo! They are compiling a list of vendors for a series on their blog and I seem to have been their third charm! Meaning the third vendor they got a chance to mingle with! It's always humbling to be approached to partake in these kind of activities so I truly felt honoured! Meeting up with Bridget and Rashaad was truly bliss! They’re fun couple to experience and are truly free-spirited! I Love it when I see a married couple working together as ONE and sharing their visions as ONE!! Can't emphasize on how important that is!
We met up early Saturday morning for the outdoor shoot which I thought was pretty cool seeing I had never done a photo shoot outside before [not to mention in winter]! We visited couple sites to shoot and while on our way to destination they conducted a mini interview; [those are always fun right?? When you totally don't expect the questions ha!] I wasn't sure what to say, I won't lie I was a bit nervous but it didn't bite, I was at ease ;)! The questions were straight- forward and much open for discussion so it felt more like a natural conversation!
Feel free to check out the spread on their blog and must importantly their work and peep what I had to say....

Fast Life...
We're already in February or should I even pause and say March? Sounds silly but how tempting right? February always encloses with a short kiss goodbye “muah bizou”... [talk about a hit and run]…'Tis the season of lovers after all right? Hmm so "they say" ha! But either way, WEP is glad to still be standing! This month has been quite innovating and I’m glad to be around and enjoy every bit of it ;)...
I know it's been awhile since our last chatter! These past few months have been non-stop and the pile just keeps on building up! I'm on cloud nine right now, the number is totally indefinite! “Doing and Being”! Things are picking up! Exciting new projects (yes), new challenges (yes), new partnerships (yes) but the best part of it all is the learning process!!!! I thank God for the solid dose of creativity but also for giving me the courage to keep holding on without driving myself against the wall...believe me the "going" can get tough and overwhelming when your constantly going non-stop but the "reminders" of why I do what I do are what keep me standing....
I mean, here we were talking New Years resolution and now were talking Black History Month, Valentines day and even planning away for Fall endeavours!!! No wonder everyone is running around... But how much running can one do is a question that often comes to mind?
One of my mentors once told me:"It's easier to get lost in opportunities than it is when the doors are closed" ... hmmm tough one to swallow??? But I'm curious to know as I leave you with these questions...
How do you manage your time or live beyond the "fast life"? Or better yet is time managing you?
Tuesday, January 19, 2010
Wrapping Up!
It's been crazy at my end! Were wrapping up a couple projects and signing in with the new :)
We've mainly been touching up on Kayan Aiken's designer launch "HUMBRELLA" Taking the World by Storm. Were four days ahead and I must tell you, we are all boiling with excitement! Planning a fashion show is always fun ;) - It's a great challenge WEP likes to take upon as there are some many holes to fill and so much to foresee!
We're working with an amazing team of creative designers! Our models have been lovely and dedicated; we couldn't be any happier!
The show will be this Saturday at the Arts Court tickets are selling like flies... Got a few errands to run today but will definitely keep you posted! So much has been going on and we are not complaining...
Till then, Be inspired!
Monday, January 11, 2010
Heart to Heart....
Sorry for my absence, I was strongly ill last week but by God's grace I'm still standing and was able to wrap up some business that I will be discussing this week...But before I do I would like to start off fresh with a heart to heart "emancipation" segment...
Considering this is the first official 2010 post,I want to send my best wishes and kisses to all of you! And acknowledge those who have been supportive and been following the Within Essence Productions "movement" by reading all about what we've been up to either on here or through the likes of our web page or social media(i.e twitter and facebook) etc...
Your encouragement and feedback is something I strongly value and appreciate! 2009 was a wonderful year [if only I could verbalize it in depth]! Truly one that I can't forget for many different reasons; indeed like any other previous year it had its share of highs and lows but “beastie” and resilient I remain! I embrace each stepping stone because Lord knows the process of reaching this point as a person and as a young entrepreneur! You live and you learn and yes I've learned and still learning plenty! The best is yet to come...
I say this, not because I've sowed into activity daily but because I've conditioned my mind to believe and attract everything I hold at heart! I've been blessed beyond measure and I'm fortunate enough to share THE VISION with like minded individuals...
I want to leave you with this self-affirmation I held in mind all week:
"What I honestly declare, will totally come in effect"....
So my dear fans and fellow mates what are you declaring and shouting out for yourselves this year...?